What is Health Kinesiology/Natural Bioenergetics?
In HK we use muscle testing to give your subconscious mind a voice. Muscle testing is when a muscle changes its state. Negative or stressful statements will cause the muscle to soften slightly whereas it will remain firm when it hears positive or true statement.
The subconscious mind is more powerful than the world’s largest computer and its speciality is YOU. It knows why you have an issue and it knows how to help you let go of it.
We find the blockages and clear them by using acupressure points.
HK is so amazingly powerful but at the same time gentle, relaxing and totally safe. I solve your problems, I make you feel better about yourself and your life, I ask your body what it wants, I remove the blockages that you don’t know you have. I set you free to live your best life.
I am qualified to an advanced level. My clients are all mostly referred to me by other clients (please see testimonials).
HK works very well remotely using zoom and FaceTime. Contact me for more information.